Tips to make sure you actually keep your New Year’s Resolution
New Year’s Resolutions don't work? Try this
“New year, New me” versus “New Year, Nothing New!”: Whichever side you’re on, we made it to yet another year! Having dealt with the pandemic and a tough business year, this new year presents a fresh start and an exciting opportunity for businesses.
The first month is already almost over, and our resolutions (whether new ones or the old ones) must stick and here’s how!
Write Down Your Goals
You probably have new ideas and projections for your business. Don’t just think about these resolutions - Write them down.
One tool to get you started is Google Keep. It is a great way to jot down your thoughts and resolution. You can create your 2022 goal list and edit at any time using any of your devices from anywhere. When an inspiration strikes while on the go, you can add on to your list using voice input just in case there is too much to text. Google Keep also makes it possible to share and collaborate with your team on the same note without having to create separate notes. You can also set reminders on a note. This way, you get to Keep every thought and no goal gets left behind.
Notes in Google Keep
Create Reminders
“Forgotten by February” - In 2022, our resolutions would not fall in this category.
One way to ensure this is to break down our resolutions/goals into smaller tasks and set up reminders and check-ins. Google Calendar is our go to tool. Once or twice each month, you can schedule a meeting with your team for the purpose of assessing your goal(s) for the month and brainstorming ways to achieve them. You also get the chance to review, make additions and subtractions to your plan. Google Calendar reminds you of your schedules and meeting times and can be set according to how many times you want to be reminded. Another way to get on track with your goals is using Tasks. In Tasks, you can further break down your goals into smaller bite-sized agenda items which will show up everywhere from Gmail to Google Slides. Each day, you can create timed tasks and cross off items once they are completed.
Google Calendar and Tasks
Use Productive Tools
Increase your productivity by using easy-to-adopt tools. Google Workspace is Google Cloud’s native productivity suite which provides these tools for your work. With tools like Gmail, Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheet, Chat, Meet, Calendar and a whole lot more, you get to connect and work from anywhere and on any device. There is a seamless integration of these tools and they’re highly secured. You can access all your information from anywhere, at any time on any device by just logging in into your account.
Business and Enterprise Productivity suite (Google Workspace)
Business and Enterprise Productivity suite (Google Workspace)
Track Your Progress.
You can track your progress with most of Google’s Apps like Keep,Task or even Docs. But if you’re looking for more, you can try Appsheet. With Appsheet, you can build custom apps without any coding required. Appsheet has templates you can try or you can build your own tracker if you want it unique and more specific.
Reward Yourself Along the Way
Sticking to your resolutions can be extremely difficult, so make sure you celebrate your mini milestones. It keeps your team motivated and refreshed for the next agenda. Also, if at any point along the way towards your goals; you feel your business isn't thriving as much, you can seek expert advice from us at CLOUDPORT. We help elevate your projects and operations with expert consultancy and research on Cloud, IOT and Big Data, to improve your overall operational strategy.
Start your year right. However, don’t worry if you fall off the wagon along the way, the above tools can always help you pick yourself and get back on track.